Tempoh satu tahun, sudah cukup memberi seribu satu pengertian dalam hidup aku. Peristiwa yang menguji jiwa, ketabahan dan kekuatan hati , sudah cukup mengajar aku tentang erti hidup, malah sedikit sebanyak mendewasakan aku. Sudah tentu, ada pelbagai corak dalam graf hidup aku tahun ini. Permulaan tahun yang sedikit hambar, namun begitu, disebalik kepedihan, aku masih lagi mampu mengawal keadaan dan berjaya mendapatkan keputusan peperiksaan yang di luar jangkaan, syukur Alhamdulillah. Sudah tentu segalanya telah direncana olehNya. Hanya DIA yang mengetahui segala yang tertulis dan tersirat.
Tahun ini juga menguji kekuatan aku dengan dalam pelbagai segi termasuk teman. Tapi tak mengapa, aku tak mungkin mengungkitnya kembali dan aku juga tidak akan menyalahkan sesiapa dalam hal ini. Segalanya sudah pulih malah lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Syukur sekali lagi, kerana aku makin lebih mengerti dengan apa yang aku inginkan dan juga sudah mendapat segala jawapan bagi segala yang aku persoalkan. Terima kasih teman~
Tetapi, aku memohon kemaafan kepada jiwa sesiapa yang mungkin aku telah lukai. Maaf dipohon, pinta dimengerti..
Bagi aku, aku mengakhiri tahun 2008 ini dengan gembira. Alhamdulillah, kerana DIA sentiasa disisiku sepanjang masa, aku berdoa agar aku takkan sesekali melupakanNYA, kerana DIA sentiasa mengasihiku malah menggenggam segala jawapan hidupku...
WELCOME 2009 Masihi / 1430 Hijrah
Wish me luck peeps!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Ketahuilah OlehMU
Jika kau merasa lelah dan tak berdaya dari usaha yang sepertinya sia-sia..
Allah SWT tahu betapa keras engkau sudah berusaha.
Ketika kau sudah menangis sekian lama dan hatimu masih terasa pedih…
Allah SWT sudah menghitung airmatamu.
Jika kau pikir bahwa hidupmu sedang menunggu sesuatu dan waktu serasa berlalu begitu saja…
Allah SWT sedang menunggu bersama denganmu.
Ketika kau merasa sendirian dan teman-temanmu terlalu sibuk untuk men ghubungimu …
Allah SWT selalu berada disampingmu.
Ketika kau pikir bahwa kau sudah menc u ba segalanya dan tidak tahu hendak berbuat apa lagi…
Allah SWT punya jawabannya.
Ketika segala sesuatu menjadi tidak masuk akal dan kau merasa tertekan…
Allah SWT dapat menenangkanmu.
Jika tiba-tiba kau dapat melihat jejak-jejak harapan…
Allah SWT sedang berbisik kepadamu.
Ketika segala sesuatu berjalan lancar dan kau merasa ingin mengucap syukur…
Allah SWT telah memberkatimu.
Ketika sesuatu yang indah terjadi dan kau dipenuhi ketakjuban…
Allah SWT telah tersenyum padamu.
Ketika kau memiliki tujuan untuk dipenuhi dan mimpi untuk digenapi…
Allah SWT sudah membuka matamu dan memanggilmu dengan namamu.
Ingat bahwa dimanapun kau atau kemanapun kau menghadap…
Allah SWT TAHU …….
Allah SWT tahu betapa keras engkau sudah berusaha.
Ketika kau sudah menangis sekian lama dan hatimu masih terasa pedih…
Allah SWT sudah menghitung airmatamu.
Jika kau pikir bahwa hidupmu sedang menunggu sesuatu dan waktu serasa berlalu begitu saja…
Allah SWT sedang menunggu bersama denganmu.
Ketika kau merasa sendirian dan teman-temanmu terlalu sibuk untuk men ghubungimu …
Allah SWT selalu berada disampingmu.
Ketika kau pikir bahwa kau sudah menc u ba segalanya dan tidak tahu hendak berbuat apa lagi…
Allah SWT punya jawabannya.
Ketika segala sesuatu menjadi tidak masuk akal dan kau merasa tertekan…
Allah SWT dapat menenangkanmu.
Jika tiba-tiba kau dapat melihat jejak-jejak harapan…
Allah SWT sedang berbisik kepadamu.
Ketika segala sesuatu berjalan lancar dan kau merasa ingin mengucap syukur…
Allah SWT telah memberkatimu.
Ketika sesuatu yang indah terjadi dan kau dipenuhi ketakjuban…
Allah SWT telah tersenyum padamu.
Ketika kau memiliki tujuan untuk dipenuhi dan mimpi untuk digenapi…
Allah SWT sudah membuka matamu dan memanggilmu dengan namamu.
Ingat bahwa dimanapun kau atau kemanapun kau menghadap…
Allah SWT TAHU …….
Kelebihan & Amalan pada Hari Assyuuraa
Abul-Laits Asssamarqandi meriwayatkan dengan sanadnya dari Ibnu Abbas r.a berkata: Nabi SAW. bersabda yang bermaksud;
Barangsiapa yang berpuasa pada hari Assyuuraa' yakni 10 Muharram,
maka Allah akan memberikan kepadanya pahala 10,000 malaikat; dan
barangsiapa yang puasa pada hari Assyuuraa', maka akan diberikan pahala 10, 000 orang Haji dan Umrah, dan 10, 000 orang mati syahid; dan
siapa yang mengusap kepala anak yatim pada hari Assyuuraa', maka Allah akan menaikkan dengan rambut satu darjat. Dan
barangsiapa yang memberi buka puasa orang mukmin yang berpuasa pada hari Assyuuraa', maka seoleh-oleh memberi buka puasa semua umat Muhammad SAW. dan mengenyangkan perut mereka.
Sahabat bertanya; Ya, Rasulullah, Allah telah melebihkan hari Assyuuraa' dari lain-lain hari.
Jawab Rasulullah: Benar!.
Allah telah menjadikan langit dan bumi pada hari Assyuuraa',
dan menjadikan Adam juga Hawa pada hari Assyuuraa';
dan menjadikan Syurga serta memasukkan Adam di syurga pada hari Assyuuraa';
dan Allah menyelamatkan dari api neraka pada hari Assyuuraa';
dan menenggelamkan Fir'aun pada hari Assyuuraa';
dan menyembuhkan bala Nabi Ayyub pada hari Assyuuraa'
dan Allah memberi taubat kepada Adam pada hari Assyuuraa';
dan diampunkan dosa Nabi Daud pada hari Assyuuraa';
dan juga kembalinya kerajaan Nabi Sulaiman pada hari Assyuuraa';
dan akan terjadi Qiyamat pada hari Assyuuraa'
Abul-Laits meriwayatkan dengan sanadnya dari Ikrimah berkata;
Hari Assyuuraa' ialah hari diterimanya taubatnya Nabi Adam. Dan ia pula hari turunnya Nabi Nuh dari perahunya. Maka ia berpuasa syukur; dan ia pula hari tenggelamnya Fir'aun dan terbelahnya laut bagi Nabi Musa a.s. dan Bani Israil. Maka mereka berpuasa; kerana itu jika dapat; engkau berpuasalah pada hari Assyuuraa'.
Abul-Laits meriwayatkan dengan sanadnya dari Muhammad bin Maisarah berkata;
Bahawa siapa yang melapangkan pada keluarganya pada hari Assyuuraa', maka Allah akan meluaskan rezekinya sepanjang tahun itu.
Sufyan berkata. Telah kami cuba, maka rasakan kebenarannya.
Said bin Jubair dari Ibn Abbas r.a. berkata;
Ketika Nabi SAW. baru hijrah ke Madinah, mendapatkan kaum Yahudi puasa pada hari Assyuuraa'; maka tanya kepada mereka tentang itu. Jawab mereka; "Hari itu Allah memenangkan Nabi Musa a.s. dari Bani Israil terhadap Fir'aun dan kaumnya. Maka kami puasa kerana mengagungkan hari ini". Maka sabda Nabi SAW.; "Kami lebih layak mengikuti jejak Musa dari kamu". maka Nabi SAW. menyuruh sahabat supaya berpuasa.
Abul Laits berkata;
Dinamakan Assyuuraa' kerana ia jatuh pada sepuluh bulan Muharram. Ada lain pendapat yang mengatakan hari Assyuuraa' kerana Allah telah memuliakan pada Nabi-nabi dengan sepuluh kehormatan;
1. Allah telah menerima taubat Nabi Adam a.s.
2. Allah menaikkan darjat Nabi Idris a.s.
3. Hari berlabuhnya perahu Nabi Nuh a.s.
4. Nabi Ibrahim a.s dilahirkan pada hari Assyuuraa' dan diangkatkan sebagai kholilulLah juga diselamatkan dari api.
5. Allah menerima taubat Nabi Daud a.s.
6. Allah mengangkat Nabi Isa a.s. ke langit
7. Allah menyelamatkan Nabi Musa a.s.
8. Allah menenggelamkan Fir'aun
9. Allah mengeluarkan Nabi Yunus dari perut ikan
10. Allah mengembalikan kerajaan Nabi Sulaiman a.s.
Barangsiapa yang berpuasa pada hari Assyuuraa' yakni 10 Muharram,
maka Allah akan memberikan kepadanya pahala 10,000 malaikat; dan
barangsiapa yang puasa pada hari Assyuuraa', maka akan diberikan pahala 10, 000 orang Haji dan Umrah, dan 10, 000 orang mati syahid; dan
siapa yang mengusap kepala anak yatim pada hari Assyuuraa', maka Allah akan menaikkan dengan rambut satu darjat. Dan
barangsiapa yang memberi buka puasa orang mukmin yang berpuasa pada hari Assyuuraa', maka seoleh-oleh memberi buka puasa semua umat Muhammad SAW. dan mengenyangkan perut mereka.
Sahabat bertanya; Ya, Rasulullah, Allah telah melebihkan hari Assyuuraa' dari lain-lain hari.
Jawab Rasulullah: Benar!.
Allah telah menjadikan langit dan bumi pada hari Assyuuraa',
dan menjadikan Adam juga Hawa pada hari Assyuuraa';
dan menjadikan Syurga serta memasukkan Adam di syurga pada hari Assyuuraa';
dan Allah menyelamatkan dari api neraka pada hari Assyuuraa';
dan menenggelamkan Fir'aun pada hari Assyuuraa';
dan menyembuhkan bala Nabi Ayyub pada hari Assyuuraa'
dan Allah memberi taubat kepada Adam pada hari Assyuuraa';
dan diampunkan dosa Nabi Daud pada hari Assyuuraa';
dan juga kembalinya kerajaan Nabi Sulaiman pada hari Assyuuraa';
dan akan terjadi Qiyamat pada hari Assyuuraa'
Abul-Laits meriwayatkan dengan sanadnya dari Ikrimah berkata;
Hari Assyuuraa' ialah hari diterimanya taubatnya Nabi Adam. Dan ia pula hari turunnya Nabi Nuh dari perahunya. Maka ia berpuasa syukur; dan ia pula hari tenggelamnya Fir'aun dan terbelahnya laut bagi Nabi Musa a.s. dan Bani Israil. Maka mereka berpuasa; kerana itu jika dapat; engkau berpuasalah pada hari Assyuuraa'.
Abul-Laits meriwayatkan dengan sanadnya dari Muhammad bin Maisarah berkata;
Bahawa siapa yang melapangkan pada keluarganya pada hari Assyuuraa', maka Allah akan meluaskan rezekinya sepanjang tahun itu.
Sufyan berkata. Telah kami cuba, maka rasakan kebenarannya.
Said bin Jubair dari Ibn Abbas r.a. berkata;
Ketika Nabi SAW. baru hijrah ke Madinah, mendapatkan kaum Yahudi puasa pada hari Assyuuraa'; maka tanya kepada mereka tentang itu. Jawab mereka; "Hari itu Allah memenangkan Nabi Musa a.s. dari Bani Israil terhadap Fir'aun dan kaumnya. Maka kami puasa kerana mengagungkan hari ini". Maka sabda Nabi SAW.; "Kami lebih layak mengikuti jejak Musa dari kamu". maka Nabi SAW. menyuruh sahabat supaya berpuasa.
Abul Laits berkata;
Dinamakan Assyuuraa' kerana ia jatuh pada sepuluh bulan Muharram. Ada lain pendapat yang mengatakan hari Assyuuraa' kerana Allah telah memuliakan pada Nabi-nabi dengan sepuluh kehormatan;
1. Allah telah menerima taubat Nabi Adam a.s.
2. Allah menaikkan darjat Nabi Idris a.s.
3. Hari berlabuhnya perahu Nabi Nuh a.s.
4. Nabi Ibrahim a.s dilahirkan pada hari Assyuuraa' dan diangkatkan sebagai kholilulLah juga diselamatkan dari api.
5. Allah menerima taubat Nabi Daud a.s.
6. Allah mengangkat Nabi Isa a.s. ke langit
7. Allah menyelamatkan Nabi Musa a.s.
8. Allah menenggelamkan Fir'aun
9. Allah mengeluarkan Nabi Yunus dari perut ikan
10. Allah mengembalikan kerajaan Nabi Sulaiman a.s.
Amalan-Amalan Sunat
Antara amalan disunatkan pada bulan Muharam:
Berpuasa. Maksud Hadis: Barang siapa berpuasa satu hari dalam bulan Muharam pahalanya seumpama berpuasa 30 tahun. Maksud Hadis: Barang siapa yang berpuasa tiga hari dalam bulan Muharam, iaitu hari Khamis, Jumaat dan Sabtu, Allah tulis padanya pahala seperti mana beribadat selama 2 tahun.
Banyakkan amal ibadat seperti solat sunat, zikir dan sebagainya.
Berdoa akhir tahun pada hari terakhir bulan Zulhijah selepas Asar sebanyak 3 kali
Berdoa awal tahun pada 1 Muharram selepas Maghrib 3 kali
Empat belas perkara sunat dilakukan pada hari Asyura (10 Muharram):
Melapangkan masa/belanja anak isteri. Fadilatnya - Allah akan melapangkan hidupnya pada tahun ini.
Memuliakan fakir miskin. Fadilatnya - Allah akan melapangkannya dalam kubur nanti.
Menahan marah. Fadilatnya - Di akhirat nanti Allah akan memasukkannya ke dalam golongan yang redha.
Menunjukkan orang sesat. Fadilatnya - Allah akan memenuhkan cahaya iman dalam hatinya.
Menyapu/mengusap kepala anak yatim. Fadilatnya - Allah akan mengurniakan sepohon pokok di syurga bagi tiap-tiap rambut yang disapunya.
Bersedekah. Fadilatnya - Allah akan menjauhkannya daripada neraka sekadar jauh seekor gagak terbang tak berhenti-henti dari kecil sehingga ia mati. Diberi pahala seperti bersedekah kepada semua fakir miskin di dunia ini.
Memelihara kehormatan diri. Fadilatnya - Allah akan mengurniakan hidupnya sentiasa diterangi cahaya keimanan.
Mandi Sunat. Fadilatnya - Tidak sakit (sakit berat) pada tahun itu. Lafaz niat: "Sahaja aku mandi sunat hari Asyura kerana Allah Taala."
Bercelak. Fadilatnya - Tidak akan sakit mata pada tahun itu.
Membaca Qulhuwallah hingga akhir 1,000 kali. Fadilatnya - Allah akan memandanginya dengan pandangan rahmah di akhirat nanti.
Sembahyang sunat empat rakaat. Fadilatnya - Allah akan mengampunkan dosanya walau telah berlarutan selama 50 tahun melakukannya. Lafaz niat: "Sahaja aku sembahyang sunat hari Asyura empat rakaat kerana Allah Taala." Pada rakaat pertama dan kedua selepas Fatihah dibaca Qulhuwallah 11 kali.
Menjamu orang berbuka puasa. Fadhilat - Diberi pahala seperti memberi sekalian orang Islam berbuka puasa.
Puasa. Niat - "Sahaja aku berpuasa esok hari sunat hari Asyura kerana Allah Taala." Fadilat - Diberi pahala seribu kali Haji, seribu kali umrah dan seribu kali syahid dan diharamkannya daripada neraka.
Dibangunkan oleh Jabatan Mufti Negeri Melaka
Berpuasa. Maksud Hadis: Barang siapa berpuasa satu hari dalam bulan Muharam pahalanya seumpama berpuasa 30 tahun. Maksud Hadis: Barang siapa yang berpuasa tiga hari dalam bulan Muharam, iaitu hari Khamis, Jumaat dan Sabtu, Allah tulis padanya pahala seperti mana beribadat selama 2 tahun.
Banyakkan amal ibadat seperti solat sunat, zikir dan sebagainya.
Berdoa akhir tahun pada hari terakhir bulan Zulhijah selepas Asar sebanyak 3 kali
Berdoa awal tahun pada 1 Muharram selepas Maghrib 3 kali
Empat belas perkara sunat dilakukan pada hari Asyura (10 Muharram):
Melapangkan masa/belanja anak isteri. Fadilatnya - Allah akan melapangkan hidupnya pada tahun ini.
Memuliakan fakir miskin. Fadilatnya - Allah akan melapangkannya dalam kubur nanti.
Menahan marah. Fadilatnya - Di akhirat nanti Allah akan memasukkannya ke dalam golongan yang redha.
Menunjukkan orang sesat. Fadilatnya - Allah akan memenuhkan cahaya iman dalam hatinya.
Menyapu/mengusap kepala anak yatim. Fadilatnya - Allah akan mengurniakan sepohon pokok di syurga bagi tiap-tiap rambut yang disapunya.
Bersedekah. Fadilatnya - Allah akan menjauhkannya daripada neraka sekadar jauh seekor gagak terbang tak berhenti-henti dari kecil sehingga ia mati. Diberi pahala seperti bersedekah kepada semua fakir miskin di dunia ini.
Memelihara kehormatan diri. Fadilatnya - Allah akan mengurniakan hidupnya sentiasa diterangi cahaya keimanan.
Mandi Sunat. Fadilatnya - Tidak sakit (sakit berat) pada tahun itu. Lafaz niat: "Sahaja aku mandi sunat hari Asyura kerana Allah Taala."
Bercelak. Fadilatnya - Tidak akan sakit mata pada tahun itu.
Membaca Qulhuwallah hingga akhir 1,000 kali. Fadilatnya - Allah akan memandanginya dengan pandangan rahmah di akhirat nanti.
Sembahyang sunat empat rakaat. Fadilatnya - Allah akan mengampunkan dosanya walau telah berlarutan selama 50 tahun melakukannya. Lafaz niat: "Sahaja aku sembahyang sunat hari Asyura empat rakaat kerana Allah Taala." Pada rakaat pertama dan kedua selepas Fatihah dibaca Qulhuwallah 11 kali.
Menjamu orang berbuka puasa. Fadhilat - Diberi pahala seperti memberi sekalian orang Islam berbuka puasa.
Puasa. Niat - "Sahaja aku berpuasa esok hari sunat hari Asyura kerana Allah Taala." Fadilat - Diberi pahala seribu kali Haji, seribu kali umrah dan seribu kali syahid dan diharamkannya daripada neraka.
Dibangunkan oleh Jabatan Mufti Negeri Melaka
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Synopsis for Bedtime Stories

Marty Bronson (Jonathan Pryce) who raises his son and daughter on his own has to sell his homey motel to clever Barry Nottingham (Richard Griffiths) who promises to make Marty's son manager, when he's grown up and has proven himself. Nottingham pulls down the motel to raise a pricey hotel. Although grown up, Marty's son Skeeter Bronson (Adam Sandler) works as a janitor and general servant, but unlikely as it seems, he still dreams of becoming the manager. When Nottingham announces......
Wanna know wut happen next? Watch it by urself. Btw, i already watched it! Best sgt citer ni. Well, g tgok jgk n it's a last minute decision. Decide jek trus ajk jajah kuar..mula2 nk tgok Yes Man. tp da lewat 10 mnutes. So mesti x best coz da x dpt tgok apa starting dia. So, utk elakkan kekecewaan..tgok citer ni. X regret. best n funny.
My rate = 4.5 star ;)
Saturday, December 27, 2008


Hey peeps, i'm juz finished watching Eagle Eye wif muh luvly housemate, Jajah n Myra. Iqeen is not around. By dis moment, she might be sleeping soundly on her bed, in her luvly bedroom at her hometown. But, she missed to watch a group of peoples did acting in front of our house.
Yeah, when we speaking bout acting. We had a chance to watch something. They keep doing da same scene again n again. Bcoz of dat, they keep driving an antic car for many times. Urgh, So many takes they had to do in order to get a perfect take. Well yeah, it's a normal thing for da actors n actress. Mayb if they are people who happened to read dis post though dat’s not a big deal. But, you know, this is one of job offered in da job market. All position or jobs needs talent, and each of us hav our own talent. Well, we always need to find ours also remember to respect everyone as long as they not across the boundary. Coz i believe, each talent is complete another in order to achieve da glory.
Okay, i’m done wif dat. I’ve watched a trailer of “ Yes man” movie. I hope i hav a chance to watch it. Jajah asked me to do it 2morrow. I’m afraid i can’t coz i got a work to do. Thus, next week is a study week and i’m supposed to study aite? But, it’s fine if i jz go to da cinema for a couple of hours isn't it? Neah, dis is not good. My dark side jz come across into my mind. I shouldn’t listened 2 dat.
Muh final exam schedule jz released. I’ll b sitting da xm on 8th and 10th Jan 09. Wish me luck n so do u MMUians.
I hav to off to bed rite now, i had not enough sleep throughout dis week n i need to recover it in order to get muh energy back.
Nitey nitez. Adios~
Friday, December 26, 2008
Shooting ?
Petang yg sunyi dan damai, aku dan osmetku layan diri masing2 dgn merehatkan diri seperti tdo, tgk movie n surfing. Tiba2, faezah ketuk2 pintu bilik n soh kuar tgok luar. Aku pon trusla bertanya. Ada org nk masuk umah tanpa notis ke? nih nape ader org2 angkat meja letak dpn porch ni? faezah x jwb..mayb dia pon blur lagik or x sure dia still dlm mimpi or wut.
Then, muncullah seorang lelaki , kategori uncle serta memiliki wajah yg sgt familiar n i noticed, he's an actor. Kami nk mintak tumpang nk mkn n berteduh kt dpan umah leh ye. Nanti artis2 kami mkn kat sini. Aku lgik skali blur tp da dpt catch up situation.
Owh..ade org nk shooting. Where? kat umah sebelah aku.Then , dorang dudukla bersila kat atas lantai kt porch ktrang. Alahai, siannya dorang ni. Kalo lantai porch ktrang nih bersih berkilat x per jgk , nk duduk ke, nk baring ke. Ni..alahai..
Kami pon offer nk bg kerusi2 utk dorang masuk. Offer kami ditolak. Ktrang memahami, mesti dorang xmo nyusahkan ktrang. Then, ktrang pon sambung wat keje sendiri n bersiap2 nk g kuar lepaking japs kat kedai mamak n shopping di u-center.
Tp, krew tu ada offer soh mkn ngan dorang skali. At last, b4 ktrng kuar, dorang kirimkan makanan kpd kami.Lauk sedap, leh tahan.
For da 2nd time, ktrang still offer nk bg kerusi. Sbb mcm ramai yg berdiri. Tambah2, Ropie cecupak tu n Santhia (tu jek yg kenal..:p yg lain xtau). rasanya dorang xkn tolak offer cz situation da cam gitu.
Lpas ktrng balik ber"shopping". Terdengarla....camera,roll....action! wohoo...dorang da start shooting. Ktrang dgn sopan-santunnya bukak grill pintu umah dgn ayu ..huhu..utk elak bunyi. coz kalo biasanya..gedegang jgk r.
Mlm nih ktrng kene cover suara. Coz ktrang nih ckp kuat. Walopon umah girlz.Rsnya umah ktrang yg bising. Almaklumla..happening sket. Ckp biasa2 pon leh dgr kat luar beb. Xtau r camne nk wat. kalo nk xder bunyi. Kena masuk bilik aku.. Sure x dgr. coz bilikku mmg kalis bunyi. Yeahh..
Dorang nih shooting citer aper eyh? nanti ktrang tanye. bila ada kesempatan je la.
Oraito~ smoga berjaya kpd mereka n smoga berjaya jgk kpd kami utk mengawal bunyi. hehe.. daa~
Then, muncullah seorang lelaki , kategori uncle serta memiliki wajah yg sgt familiar n i noticed, he's an actor. Kami nk mintak tumpang nk mkn n berteduh kt dpan umah leh ye. Nanti artis2 kami mkn kat sini. Aku lgik skali blur tp da dpt catch up situation.
Owh..ade org nk shooting. Where? kat umah sebelah aku.Then , dorang dudukla bersila kat atas lantai kt porch ktrang. Alahai, siannya dorang ni. Kalo lantai porch ktrang nih bersih berkilat x per jgk , nk duduk ke, nk baring ke. Ni..alahai..
Kami pon offer nk bg kerusi2 utk dorang masuk. Offer kami ditolak. Ktrang memahami, mesti dorang xmo nyusahkan ktrang. Then, ktrang pon sambung wat keje sendiri n bersiap2 nk g kuar lepaking japs kat kedai mamak n shopping di u-center.
Tp, krew tu ada offer soh mkn ngan dorang skali. At last, b4 ktrng kuar, dorang kirimkan makanan kpd kami.Lauk sedap, leh tahan.
For da 2nd time, ktrang still offer nk bg kerusi. Sbb mcm ramai yg berdiri. Tambah2, Ropie cecupak tu n Santhia (tu jek yg kenal..:p yg lain xtau). rasanya dorang xkn tolak offer cz situation da cam gitu.
Lpas ktrng balik ber"shopping". Terdengarla....camera,roll....action! wohoo...dorang da start shooting. Ktrang dgn sopan-santunnya bukak grill pintu umah dgn ayu ..huhu..utk elak bunyi. coz kalo biasanya..gedegang jgk r.
Mlm nih ktrng kene cover suara. Coz ktrang nih ckp kuat. Walopon umah girlz.Rsnya umah ktrang yg bising. Almaklumla..happening sket. Ckp biasa2 pon leh dgr kat luar beb. Xtau r camne nk wat. kalo nk xder bunyi. Kena masuk bilik aku.. Sure x dgr. coz bilikku mmg kalis bunyi. Yeahh..
Dorang nih shooting citer aper eyh? nanti ktrang tanye. bila ada kesempatan je la.
Oraito~ smoga berjaya kpd mereka n smoga berjaya jgk kpd kami utk mengawal bunyi. hehe.. daa~
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Public Holiday..
Merry Christmas kpd sesaper yg menyambutnya..
Arini , public holiday n hari utk memerap kat umah. X jadi masuk keje coz boss kata arini sunyi jek kurang customer. So, x yah dtg keje. Utk santapan lunch, ktrang kat umah mkn pasta yg disediakan oleh Cik Myra.
Well, DVD/CD Device sy berjaya restored ;) tanpa perlu format. Alhamdulillah..
Arini sy update latest driver gune dis link...
http://www.innovative-sol.com/drivermax/ <---try la.. FREE jek.
Arini , public holiday n hari utk memerap kat umah. X jadi masuk keje coz boss kata arini sunyi jek kurang customer. So, x yah dtg keje. Utk santapan lunch, ktrang kat umah mkn pasta yg disediakan oleh Cik Myra.
Well, DVD/CD Device sy berjaya restored ;) tanpa perlu format. Alhamdulillah..
Arini sy update latest driver gune dis link...
http://www.innovative-sol.com/drivermax/ <---try la.. FREE jek.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sakit paler coz assignmennt x siap lagik weyh. Exam slip plak x pegi2 amik. Pg td msk campus ngan Aizad utk jmpe lecturer. Leh la plak tinggal purse. Boleh pegi jekla tgok ada nama kat list2 yg x amik lgik tu. Kebetulan perut lapa, purse x bwk, camne nk beli mknan? Cari2 duit kot2 ada tertinggal dlm poket, lpasla nk beli mknan. Nasib baik. Kalo x, balik umah kepenatan n keciwa jeks.
Balik pas mkn, cover tdo japs. Mmg da tersengguk coz x cukup tdo. Msg boss xmo keje arini. Nak wat assgnmnt, x sedap ati nk keje, keje gueh x siap! One more thing, ponteng klas kol 12 - 1. Neah, for da 1st time in dis sem. Ala, lgpon bkn dia nk amik attendace dah. Arini jz ada org present jek n kalo g pon. dok tgok jer.So, better, beta g beradu. Bila da masuk zohor, Qeen kejut.
N now, nk sambung wat keje, mlm nih mesti x tdo. So, jgnla sesape nk main2 buzz ngan sy ok. time tgh serabut,kalo msk line, nanti x psl jek moody. Except, kalo nk buzz utk watkn keje :p huhu..mmg x r kan?
okies, adios.
Balik pas mkn, cover tdo japs. Mmg da tersengguk coz x cukup tdo. Msg boss xmo keje arini. Nak wat assgnmnt, x sedap ati nk keje, keje gueh x siap! One more thing, ponteng klas kol 12 - 1. Neah, for da 1st time in dis sem. Ala, lgpon bkn dia nk amik attendace dah. Arini jz ada org present jek n kalo g pon. dok tgok jer.So, better, beta g beradu. Bila da masuk zohor, Qeen kejut.
N now, nk sambung wat keje, mlm nih mesti x tdo. So, jgnla sesape nk main2 buzz ngan sy ok. time tgh serabut,kalo msk line, nanti x psl jek moody. Except, kalo nk buzz utk watkn keje :p huhu..mmg x r kan?
okies, adios.
Help Decide Which City!
Take the 5-minute survey!
Following the Beijing Olympics, the most important task for the International Olympic Committee (IOC) will be choosing which city hosts the 2016 Summer Olympics. (2012 has already been awarded to London.) However, the competition has already heated up, with the finalists narrowed to: Madrid, Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo, and Chicago. The winner will be announced in October, 2009.
How does the IOC make their decision?
While their overall process is popularly described as a two-step process, it’s clearly three.
Potential cities (cities, not countries, are awarded the hosting honors) must submit a proposal demonstrating that they meet minimum hosting requirements. These focus on infrastructure, stability, and, of course, resources.
The 15-member executive board then culls the list down via a thorough evaluation of an extensive questionaire. While there isn’t a target number of finalists, it typically is about 5 to 10 cities, and a few of the finalists voluntarily drop out.
Finally, the full board (currently 115 members) votes. A simple majority (>50%) is required to win. The city with the lowest vote count during each vote is eliminated from the next voting round until a majority is achieved.
While this process appears robust, the final phase contains two important flaws. First, the criteria for city selection is relatively loose. While the Olympic Charter provides guidelines and expectations, they lack true criteria, as well as any means to measure the criteria. Board members are left to determine their own criteria and priorities.
Second, the voting process focuses on eliminating the least qualified cities rather than valuing the most prepared ones. Through rounds of voting, this process can become more an act of political will than a referendum on the best available option.
We at Expert Choice think there’s a better way. We have created a model based on six criteria (objectives) and the four finalist cities. We invite you to help determine which city should host the Summer Olympics in 2016.
Take the Survey -->
p/s: Kalo nk jwb sila register dlu kt www.expertchoice.com..mekasehhhh
Following the Beijing Olympics, the most important task for the International Olympic Committee (IOC) will be choosing which city hosts the 2016 Summer Olympics. (2012 has already been awarded to London.) However, the competition has already heated up, with the finalists narrowed to: Madrid, Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo, and Chicago. The winner will be announced in October, 2009.
How does the IOC make their decision?
While their overall process is popularly described as a two-step process, it’s clearly three.
Potential cities (cities, not countries, are awarded the hosting honors) must submit a proposal demonstrating that they meet minimum hosting requirements. These focus on infrastructure, stability, and, of course, resources.
The 15-member executive board then culls the list down via a thorough evaluation of an extensive questionaire. While there isn’t a target number of finalists, it typically is about 5 to 10 cities, and a few of the finalists voluntarily drop out.
Finally, the full board (currently 115 members) votes. A simple majority (>50%) is required to win. The city with the lowest vote count during each vote is eliminated from the next voting round until a majority is achieved.
While this process appears robust, the final phase contains two important flaws. First, the criteria for city selection is relatively loose. While the Olympic Charter provides guidelines and expectations, they lack true criteria, as well as any means to measure the criteria. Board members are left to determine their own criteria and priorities.
Second, the voting process focuses on eliminating the least qualified cities rather than valuing the most prepared ones. Through rounds of voting, this process can become more an act of political will than a referendum on the best available option.
We at Expert Choice think there’s a better way. We have created a model based on six criteria (objectives) and the four finalist cities. We invite you to help determine which city should host the Summer Olympics in 2016.
Take the Survey -->
p/s: Kalo nk jwb sila register dlu kt www.expertchoice.com..mekasehhhh
Monday, December 22, 2008
Kepada sesiapa yg berhasrat nk download e-book.
Sila g kat sini...http://www.onlinecomputerbooks.com
p/s: Tah nape tmpt posting nih.pelik. mcm2 ilang.xleh nk wat link.
Sila g kat sini...http://www.onlinecomputerbooks.com
p/s: Tah nape tmpt posting nih.pelik. mcm2 ilang.xleh nk wat link.
Bila saya dah abis present...:p
1st of all, posting features kat blogger nih d lain ke eyh? nape cam x der nk arrange alignment sume2 tu?
2ndly, thanx to all my groupmate:
- Anis
- Pija
- Piqa
- Ida
- Duang
- Mong
- Ayie
- Azrul
- Amad
Ktrang berlakon td. Tajuknya "Unity Through History". Sgt best n alhamdulillah sume flow smooth jek. Masing2 xder cover2 sogan. Sume semangat. Bagus tul adik2ku ni(x sumela adk dlm group ni rsnya xcept gurlz :p hehe). Gueh dpt watak "org cina yg lupa diri" n "bdk cina yg gaduh ngan dak malay". Skrip sy sket je.Tp thanx a lot pd dorang2 yg siapkn video n tuan director.hehe.
Merasala jgk masuk ngan group dak engineering kan.Moga dptla full marks..hihi.
Tp, ms ada 1 group nih tgh present, tiba2 ada nada lantang dr blakang (ktrng kt CLC A2.
"Now is my class time, go out now"...wohoho
Masing2 blur japs memikirkan tu salah satu babak lakonan group tu ke hape. Tp ternyata bukan. sbb dia lecturer Robotics rupanya.
Kalola tu mmg salah satu babak lakonan group tu,mmg serius menjadik. coz masing 2 kt hall tu terkezut la gaks tetiba.Tapi, bley plak dia sound ngan lecturer ktrang skalik. Sungguh "sopan" dan "halus" bicaranya kan? huh..
bien, quiero llegar listo para hacer mi última misión, que tengo que presentar el miércoles.
1st of all, posting features kat blogger nih d lain ke eyh? nape cam x der nk arrange alignment sume2 tu?
2ndly, thanx to all my groupmate:
- Anis
- Pija
- Piqa
- Ida
- Duang
- Mong
- Ayie
- Azrul
- Amad
Ktrang berlakon td. Tajuknya "Unity Through History". Sgt best n alhamdulillah sume flow smooth jek. Masing2 xder cover2 sogan. Sume semangat. Bagus tul adik2ku ni(x sumela adk dlm group ni rsnya xcept gurlz :p hehe). Gueh dpt watak "org cina yg lupa diri" n "bdk cina yg gaduh ngan dak malay". Skrip sy sket je.Tp thanx a lot pd dorang2 yg siapkn video n tuan director.hehe.
Merasala jgk masuk ngan group dak engineering kan.Moga dptla full marks..hihi.
Tp, ms ada 1 group nih tgh present, tiba2 ada nada lantang dr blakang (ktrng kt CLC A2.
"Now is my class time, go out now"...wohoho
Masing2 blur japs memikirkan tu salah satu babak lakonan group tu ke hape. Tp ternyata bukan. sbb dia lecturer Robotics rupanya.
Kalola tu mmg salah satu babak lakonan group tu,mmg serius menjadik. coz masing 2 kt hall tu terkezut la gaks tetiba.Tapi, bley plak dia sound ngan lecturer ktrang skalik. Sungguh "sopan" dan "halus" bicaranya kan? huh..
bien, quiero llegar listo para hacer mi última misión, que tengo que presentar el miércoles.
Reality Check: Goods Fats are still Fat
The other day, a group of friends and I were chowing down at our favorite Mexican restaurant, Ole in Cambridge, Massachusetts. They make Guacamole - to die for - fresh at your table. One of my friends who felt she porked out on too much of it claimed, “Well, at least it is the good kind of fat!” Yes, avocados have ‘good fat’. But does that mean that eating a couple of avocados worth in one sitting is actually good for you? No, not so much.
Our guacamole fest made me realize that often we eat foods that are determined to have ‘health benefits’ past moderation, in turn, making them ‘not so healthy.’ Take dark chocolate for instance. It has become pretty well know that dark chocolate contains antioxidants which are great for warding off ‘free-radicals’. I imagine that for a lot of people, the logic then goes something like this: “Great! So this must mean I should eat dark chocolate often and in large quantities to ensure that I stay young and beautiful.” In reality, if we all did this, we would have even a larger obesity epidemic on our hands than we already do. The truth is that we should indulge in these foods, but still maintain ‘in moderation’ as our standard for portions and frequency.
Look, a fat is a fat. It doesn’t matter if it is a ‘good fat’ or a ‘bad fat’, it is still a fat. And, a healthy diet should only incorporate 20% - 30% of fat, whether good or bad. Granted, when you are eating fats, eating those that are ‘good’ is by far more healthy than eating those that are ‘bad.’ You should avoid those that are ‘bad.’ But just because it is good doesn’t mean that you should look at them as a staple of your diet.
What fats do you enjoy? Any that you rationalize ‘it is good for you so I can eat a lot of it’?
by Brett Blumenthal
Our guacamole fest made me realize that often we eat foods that are determined to have ‘health benefits’ past moderation, in turn, making them ‘not so healthy.’ Take dark chocolate for instance. It has become pretty well know that dark chocolate contains antioxidants which are great for warding off ‘free-radicals’. I imagine that for a lot of people, the logic then goes something like this: “Great! So this must mean I should eat dark chocolate often and in large quantities to ensure that I stay young and beautiful.” In reality, if we all did this, we would have even a larger obesity epidemic on our hands than we already do. The truth is that we should indulge in these foods, but still maintain ‘in moderation’ as our standard for portions and frequency.
Look, a fat is a fat. It doesn’t matter if it is a ‘good fat’ or a ‘bad fat’, it is still a fat. And, a healthy diet should only incorporate 20% - 30% of fat, whether good or bad. Granted, when you are eating fats, eating those that are ‘good’ is by far more healthy than eating those that are ‘bad.’ You should avoid those that are ‘bad.’ But just because it is good doesn’t mean that you should look at them as a staple of your diet.
What fats do you enjoy? Any that you rationalize ‘it is good for you so I can eat a lot of it’?
by Brett Blumenthal
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Working With a Difficult Boss
All of us know what it’s like - dealing with that angry boss who seems to get angry too fast and too often. He or she expects tasks to be performed within unreasonable deadlines, and completely discounts the fact that you also do need quality time away from work.
You of course have the option of resorting to outright confrontation, and this could possibly lead to verbal sparring and angry outbursts. The worst case scenario is that you could end up quitting or conversely, you might be asked to leave.
Control your own Behaviour
The first thing you have to realize is that the only person whose actions you can control and direct is your own. Don’t even bother trying to change other people - they will probably only end up disliking you for it.
You can, however, direct some of the more potentially heated confrontations by adapting a non-confrontational attitude. Be clear, firm and assertive without resorting to loud or aggressive acts yourself. In most instances, this can already work to cool the heads of people involved.
Good communication
It cannot be emphasized enough the importance of clear communication. This means the ability to speak clearly without being ambiguous or leaving the potential of being misunderstood.
While it means avoiding rude, angry or emotional outbursts, it also means not resorting to the opposite but equally unhelpful means of communication. This includes sulking, unreasonable silence, and a too-obvious avoidance of your boss. Many times, the best strategy is really keeping to the middle ground.
Learning how to communicate effectively is a skill like any other. Thus, it can be learned and developed. Over time, it can help to define a better working relationship with other people.
Put yourself in his shoes
Perhaps your boss is dealing with some conflict in his own life, or is resolving some troubles of his own. Granted, this really isn’t a valid reason for him to lash out at you or anyone else who might not have anything to do with his problems. However, it does help if you understand that your boss is human too, and that he has problems of his own to deal with.
If anything, it can pave the way for a more empathetic interaction where you do not unduly discount what might actually be very important to another person. Hence, don’t bring problems to his or her attention when he is obviously wrestling with difficulties of his own. He won’t likely be inclined to be generous.
And when you do approach him, be sure that you have reasoned out your arguments well enough to be able to rationally address any objections he might raise. Not only can this prevent you from getting hostile, but it can also help him to see your value as an employee - regardless of his personal problems, and why you deserve a raise, a promotion, or the right to be heard in a matter in which you feel strongly about.
This can mean an agreement to disagree. This can also mean that you agree not to pursue issues that can no longer be resolved. Ultimately, this means that you have to learn to be comfortable with the fact that you cannot please everybody, and that some problems cannot be resolved. This is no reason to beat yourself up over it.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/careers-articles/working-with-a-difficult-boss-482293.html
About the Author:
Benedict Smythe recommends PDL Courses for training in most professional skills including assertiveness skills and Supervisory Management skills
You of course have the option of resorting to outright confrontation, and this could possibly lead to verbal sparring and angry outbursts. The worst case scenario is that you could end up quitting or conversely, you might be asked to leave.
Control your own Behaviour
The first thing you have to realize is that the only person whose actions you can control and direct is your own. Don’t even bother trying to change other people - they will probably only end up disliking you for it.
You can, however, direct some of the more potentially heated confrontations by adapting a non-confrontational attitude. Be clear, firm and assertive without resorting to loud or aggressive acts yourself. In most instances, this can already work to cool the heads of people involved.
Good communication
It cannot be emphasized enough the importance of clear communication. This means the ability to speak clearly without being ambiguous or leaving the potential of being misunderstood.
While it means avoiding rude, angry or emotional outbursts, it also means not resorting to the opposite but equally unhelpful means of communication. This includes sulking, unreasonable silence, and a too-obvious avoidance of your boss. Many times, the best strategy is really keeping to the middle ground.
Learning how to communicate effectively is a skill like any other. Thus, it can be learned and developed. Over time, it can help to define a better working relationship with other people.
Put yourself in his shoes
Perhaps your boss is dealing with some conflict in his own life, or is resolving some troubles of his own. Granted, this really isn’t a valid reason for him to lash out at you or anyone else who might not have anything to do with his problems. However, it does help if you understand that your boss is human too, and that he has problems of his own to deal with.
If anything, it can pave the way for a more empathetic interaction where you do not unduly discount what might actually be very important to another person. Hence, don’t bring problems to his or her attention when he is obviously wrestling with difficulties of his own. He won’t likely be inclined to be generous.
And when you do approach him, be sure that you have reasoned out your arguments well enough to be able to rationally address any objections he might raise. Not only can this prevent you from getting hostile, but it can also help him to see your value as an employee - regardless of his personal problems, and why you deserve a raise, a promotion, or the right to be heard in a matter in which you feel strongly about.
This can mean an agreement to disagree. This can also mean that you agree not to pursue issues that can no longer be resolved. Ultimately, this means that you have to learn to be comfortable with the fact that you cannot please everybody, and that some problems cannot be resolved. This is no reason to beat yourself up over it.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/careers-articles/working-with-a-difficult-boss-482293.html
About the Author:
Benedict Smythe recommends PDL Courses for training in most professional skills including assertiveness skills and Supervisory Management skills
5 Quick Tips for Recent Graduates
The job outlook for recent grads is constantly evolving. The fluctuation is frequently industry-based and can vary from position-to-position and state-to-state. However, there are some items you should always keep in mind regardless of your industry, position, or location. Below are some quick tips that could help you land that big job - whether you’re a new graduate, or attending your 30th reunion:
1. Do your homework.
Company research is a critical part of any job search and fortunately there are tons of places to start. You can start by checking out company websites and looking for business information websites that have company and industry profiles. For additional information, talk to friends and colleagues that may have information about a particular company or industry.
2. Surf the Web.
There are loads of job search websites out there. In addition to the big-name job posting sites, don’t forget to seek out online industry forums as well as the “employment” or “career” section of the websites for companies you’re most interested in. And don’t be afraid to post questions about different companies on job forums or other online question/answer interfaces.
3. Enlist the help of others.
This is an important step–fortunately there are lots of ways to do it: meet with your school’s career services expert, let your Uncle Louie know that you’re looking for a job, and network with other professionals in your industry. Don’t be afraid to also take your networking online. There are lots of business-networking sites out there–take some time to review the ones that will present you with the best opportunities for visibility and networking.
4. Reexamine your resume.
Proofread, proofread, proofread. And then, when you’re finished hand it over to a trusted friend or colleague for additional input. Long-standing advice suggests that you keep your resume to one page, or two–at the most. If you feel your age may negatively impact your chances of getting a job then leave off your year of graduation or other such information that may indicate your age.
5. Attend a career fair.
Don’t forget to check out local job & career fairs. Even if it doesn’t yield the job of your dreams, it could provide you with valuable networking opportunities and insight into companies that you might not have otherwise considered. Pick up as many business cards as possible–you never know when they may come in handy.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/careers-articles/5-quick-tips-for-recent-grads-470310.html
About the Author:
Laura Watkins is a contributing business writer for Goliath. Goliath is one of the Internet’s largest collections of business research, news and information. Learn more about Goliath .
1. Do your homework.
Company research is a critical part of any job search and fortunately there are tons of places to start. You can start by checking out company websites and looking for business information websites that have company and industry profiles. For additional information, talk to friends and colleagues that may have information about a particular company or industry.
2. Surf the Web.
There are loads of job search websites out there. In addition to the big-name job posting sites, don’t forget to seek out online industry forums as well as the “employment” or “career” section of the websites for companies you’re most interested in. And don’t be afraid to post questions about different companies on job forums or other online question/answer interfaces.
3. Enlist the help of others.
This is an important step–fortunately there are lots of ways to do it: meet with your school’s career services expert, let your Uncle Louie know that you’re looking for a job, and network with other professionals in your industry. Don’t be afraid to also take your networking online. There are lots of business-networking sites out there–take some time to review the ones that will present you with the best opportunities for visibility and networking.
4. Reexamine your resume.
Proofread, proofread, proofread. And then, when you’re finished hand it over to a trusted friend or colleague for additional input. Long-standing advice suggests that you keep your resume to one page, or two–at the most. If you feel your age may negatively impact your chances of getting a job then leave off your year of graduation or other such information that may indicate your age.
5. Attend a career fair.
Don’t forget to check out local job & career fairs. Even if it doesn’t yield the job of your dreams, it could provide you with valuable networking opportunities and insight into companies that you might not have otherwise considered. Pick up as many business cards as possible–you never know when they may come in handy.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/careers-articles/5-quick-tips-for-recent-grads-470310.html
About the Author:
Laura Watkins is a contributing business writer for Goliath. Goliath is one of the Internet’s largest collections of business research, news and information. Learn more about Goliath .
Tips For The Career Women
When a wife and/or mother decides to seek a career, she chooses to walk a very tight rope. Success or failure in both or either will depend on how well she plans. Carrying out those plans is crucial, however, and it is never easy. Many women do succeed at both, and the following tips may help those who have set such a course for their lives.
Impeccable personal grooming and a pleasing demeanor are important components of self-confidence. If a woman is not convinced that she deserves success, she will never achieve it; and conveying her confidence in herself is essential if she is to move up the success ladder.
Self-confidence can take a woman far, especially in a difficult work environment. If a woman is confident in her own capabilities and skills, she is much more likely to promote her own accomplishments and refine her skills for a brighter future.
Hone Your Skills
Once you know what your goals are, it’s time to start working on the things that will make it possible to attain them. For example, you must determine how to continue to learn new skills and improve old ones. The ability to interact with clients and fellow-employees is valued by employers and will aid in your upward climb.
The most effective advantage that any woman can have is her education. She should always take advantage of every opportunity that comes along to gain more education and to enhance already-existing knowledge by keeping up with current developments through trade publications, conferences, and professional courses.
Once you have your education in hand, don’t just sit on them - make them known to your employer. This goes double for any executive-level or graduate degrees that you may have earned.
Far too many women have stellar educational records, but keep them to themselves. The fact is that you need to make your accomplishments public. This isn’t bragging - it’s being smart and savvy about advancing your career.
Focus On Your Strengths
When it comes to your career, your focus should be on a particular area and you should concentrate on developing your skills in it. Enjoy your work, find your specialty and talents, and work on them, keeping your knowledge as the base.
The person who is unable to work to their greatest capacity is not a professional; instead, she is just an employee working for a salary. Always remember that you can never excel in a field that does not hold your interest and that you don’t have a passion for.
Enthusiasm is the foundation for all your achievements; and you will not be able to pass on your enthusiasm unless you feel it yourself.
Impeccable personal grooming and a pleasing demeanor are important components of self-confidence. If a woman is not convinced that she deserves success, she will never achieve it; and conveying her confidence in herself is essential if she is to move up the success ladder.
Self-confidence can take a woman far, especially in a difficult work environment. If a woman is confident in her own capabilities and skills, she is much more likely to promote her own accomplishments and refine her skills for a brighter future.
Hone Your Skills
Once you know what your goals are, it’s time to start working on the things that will make it possible to attain them. For example, you must determine how to continue to learn new skills and improve old ones. The ability to interact with clients and fellow-employees is valued by employers and will aid in your upward climb.
The most effective advantage that any woman can have is her education. She should always take advantage of every opportunity that comes along to gain more education and to enhance already-existing knowledge by keeping up with current developments through trade publications, conferences, and professional courses.
Once you have your education in hand, don’t just sit on them - make them known to your employer. This goes double for any executive-level or graduate degrees that you may have earned.
Far too many women have stellar educational records, but keep them to themselves. The fact is that you need to make your accomplishments public. This isn’t bragging - it’s being smart and savvy about advancing your career.
Focus On Your Strengths
When it comes to your career, your focus should be on a particular area and you should concentrate on developing your skills in it. Enjoy your work, find your specialty and talents, and work on them, keeping your knowledge as the base.
The person who is unable to work to their greatest capacity is not a professional; instead, she is just an employee working for a salary. Always remember that you can never excel in a field that does not hold your interest and that you don’t have a passion for.
Enthusiasm is the foundation for all your achievements; and you will not be able to pass on your enthusiasm unless you feel it yourself.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/careers-articles/tips-for-the-career-woman-488623.html
About the Author:
Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for The MBA Journal. Aveta Solution’s Six Sigma Online offers online six sigma training and certification classes for six sigma professionals including, lean six sigma, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Kelebihan Mandi Songsang
"Mandi songsang adalah satu kaedah terapi yang amat hebat dan menghasilkan kesan yang menakjubkan kepada pengamalnya."
Apakah itu mandi songsang?
Lazimnya pada masa sekarang ramai orang akan mandi dengan menjiruskan air bermula pada bahagian kepala. Situasi ini sebenarnya akan memberikan kesan yang buruk pada kesihatan diri.
Sistem saraf pendarahan otak akan mengecut kerana siraman air tersebut. Ini akan membuatkan sistem otak akan terjejas. Cara mandi biasa akan menyebabkan sistem pertahanan badan akan menjadi lemah. Seluruh sistem hormon dan kimiawi badan adalah diatur dan disettingkan di dalam kepala, maka cara mandi biasa lebih banyak akan memberikan impak yang buruk kepada sistem pertahanan badan.
jadi, apa itu mandi songsang?
Mandi songsang adalah amalan membasahkan tubuh badan bermula dari kaki dan beransur-ansur membasahi bahagian atas badan kemudian diakhiridengan kepala. (kecuali mandi hadas besar dimulakan dari siraman di kepala.)
1) Menjadikan pengamalnya awet muda dan fresh.
2) Mengembangkan salur darah otak-menjadikan sistem darah di bahagian otak jadi bertambah baik untuk berfungsi.
3) Menjadikan sistem pertahanan badan akan bertambah baik fungsinya seterusnya menjana sistem hormon badan dengan lebih hebat untuk tahap kesihatan yang maksimum.
4) Mengurangkan tekanan (stress) yang telah dihasilkan oleh otak.
5) Melancarkan perjalanan darah.
6) Menjadikan pengamal semakin pintar.
7) Meninggikan daya ingatan.
8) Mengelakkan atau mengurangkan sakit kepala.
9) Menjadikan state mood yang tenang dan ceria.
10) Menjadikan jiwa sentiasa bersemangat.
11) Memiliki daya ketahanan mental.
12) Menambahkan semangat berani.
13) Menguatkan gusi dan gigi dan banyak lagi yang akan diketahui apabila mula diamalkan.
Apakah itu mandi songsang?
Lazimnya pada masa sekarang ramai orang akan mandi dengan menjiruskan air bermula pada bahagian kepala. Situasi ini sebenarnya akan memberikan kesan yang buruk pada kesihatan diri.
Sistem saraf pendarahan otak akan mengecut kerana siraman air tersebut. Ini akan membuatkan sistem otak akan terjejas. Cara mandi biasa akan menyebabkan sistem pertahanan badan akan menjadi lemah. Seluruh sistem hormon dan kimiawi badan adalah diatur dan disettingkan di dalam kepala, maka cara mandi biasa lebih banyak akan memberikan impak yang buruk kepada sistem pertahanan badan.
jadi, apa itu mandi songsang?
Mandi songsang adalah amalan membasahkan tubuh badan bermula dari kaki dan beransur-ansur membasahi bahagian atas badan kemudian diakhiridengan kepala. (kecuali mandi hadas besar dimulakan dari siraman di kepala.)
1) Menjadikan pengamalnya awet muda dan fresh.
2) Mengembangkan salur darah otak-menjadikan sistem darah di bahagian otak jadi bertambah baik untuk berfungsi.
3) Menjadikan sistem pertahanan badan akan bertambah baik fungsinya seterusnya menjana sistem hormon badan dengan lebih hebat untuk tahap kesihatan yang maksimum.
4) Mengurangkan tekanan (stress) yang telah dihasilkan oleh otak.
5) Melancarkan perjalanan darah.
6) Menjadikan pengamal semakin pintar.
7) Meninggikan daya ingatan.
8) Mengelakkan atau mengurangkan sakit kepala.
9) Menjadikan state mood yang tenang dan ceria.
10) Menjadikan jiwa sentiasa bersemangat.
11) Memiliki daya ketahanan mental.
12) Menambahkan semangat berani.
13) Menguatkan gusi dan gigi dan banyak lagi yang akan diketahui apabila mula diamalkan.
Kelebihan Meminum Air Ketika Perut Kosong
It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have proven its value. We publish below a description of use of water for our readers.
For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses. The water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a hundred percent cure for the following diseases:
* Headache
* Body ache
* heart system
* arthritis
* fast heart beat
* epilepsy
* excess
* fatness
* bronchitis
* asthma
* TB
* Meningitis
* Kidney and Urine diseases
* vomiting gastritis
* diarrhea
* piles
* diabetes
* constipation
* all eye diseases
* womb cancer
* menstrual disorders
* ear nose
* throat diseases
1. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink four glasses of water each of 160 ml.
2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minutes.
3. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.
4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for two hours.
5. Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink four glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to four glasses per day.
6. The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life.
The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure main diseases:
1. High Blood Pressure 30 days
2. Gastric 10 days
3. Diabetes 30 days
4. Constipation 10 days
5. Cancer 180 days
6. TB 90 days
Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment for only 3 days in the first week to be followed by daily treatment.
This treatment method has no side effects, however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times.
Good Health to you all.......
For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses. The water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a hundred percent cure for the following diseases:
* Headache
* Body ache
* heart system
* arthritis
* fast heart beat
* epilepsy
* excess
* fatness
* bronchitis
* asthma
* TB
* Meningitis
* Kidney and Urine diseases
* vomiting gastritis
* diarrhea
* piles
* diabetes
* constipation
* all eye diseases
* womb cancer
* menstrual disorders
* ear nose
* throat diseases
1. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink four glasses of water each of 160 ml.
2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minutes.
3. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.
4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for two hours.
5. Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink four glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to four glasses per day.
6. The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life.
The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure main diseases:
1. High Blood Pressure 30 days
2. Gastric 10 days
3. Diabetes 30 days
4. Constipation 10 days
5. Cancer 180 days
6. TB 90 days
Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment for only 3 days in the first week to be followed by daily treatment.
This treatment method has no side effects, however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times.
Good Health to you all.......
Sunday, December 14, 2008
hidup mesti mo sentiasa hepi..
once u upset...lupekan jekla
anggap mcm nuthin happen or jz ur nightmare
tinggal kat mane2 yg u oll x dtg lg
n start it again
buatla gitu..
all over again n again..
till u guyz achieve ur dream
n put da priority in front of u..
u guyz might b an ordinary person
but dun 4get
u can do n wutever u want
if u want to
trust me..
but dun create an enemy
even they hurted u
rilex je
everything will b fine then
thus, dun mess wif someone
dat u dunno well
or mayb u think
she/he looks like an innocent person
or jz luv to keep quite
all dat u hav 2 do is...
respect each other
respect their stand
let them do wutever they want
coz they know who they r
n not everyone jz like u
hidup mesti mo sentiasa hepi..
once u upset...lupekan jekla
anggap mcm nuthin happen or jz ur nightmare
tinggal kat mane2 yg u oll x dtg lg
n start it again
buatla gitu..
all over again n again..
till u guyz achieve ur dream
n put da priority in front of u..
u guyz might b an ordinary person
but dun 4get
u can do n wutever u want
if u want to
trust me..
but dun create an enemy
even they hurted u
rilex je
everything will b fine then
thus, dun mess wif someone
dat u dunno well
or mayb u think
she/he looks like an innocent person
or jz luv to keep quite
all dat u hav 2 do is...
respect each other
respect their stand
let them do wutever they want
coz they know who they r
n not everyone jz like u
ampun yer kalo ada yg terasa hati dgn last post.
dat msg jz utk org-org (not one) tertentu je.
n xder kena-mengena dgn sesiapa yg x kena sound directly dr sy.
sbb dlm kes ni..x bertujuan utk menyindir sesape yg x kena marah dr sy smlm. tq.
p/s: jrg skali nk sound org except mmg patut kena. sekian. kalo ada yg kata sy berubah..sket r kot.mayb.
dat msg jz utk org-org (not one) tertentu je.
n xder kena-mengena dgn sesiapa yg x kena sound directly dr sy.
sbb dlm kes ni..x bertujuan utk menyindir sesape yg x kena marah dr sy smlm. tq.
p/s: jrg skali nk sound org except mmg patut kena. sekian. kalo ada yg kata sy berubah..sket r kot.mayb.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
When a girl is quiet,
Millions of things are running through her mind.
When a girl is not arguing,
She is thinking deeply.
When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions,
She is wondering how long you will be around.
When a girl answers, "I'm fine," after a few
She is not at all fine.
When a girl stares at you,
She is wondering why you are so wonderful.
When a girl lays on your chest,
She is wishing for you to be hers forever.
When a girl calls you everyday,
She is seeking for your attention.
When a girl wants to see you everyday,
She wants to be pampered.
When a girl says, "I'll love you forever,"
She means it.
When a girl says that she can't live without you,
She has made up her mind that you are her future.
When a girl says, "I miss you,"
No one in this world can miss you more than that..
When a girl is quiet,
Millions of things are running through her mind.
When a girl is not arguing,
She is thinking deeply.
When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions,
She is wondering how long you will be around.
When a girl answers, "I'm fine," after a few
She is not at all fine.
When a girl stares at you,
She is wondering why you are so wonderful.
When a girl lays on your chest,
She is wishing for you to be hers forever.
When a girl calls you everyday,
She is seeking for your attention.
When a girl wants to see you everyday,
She wants to be pampered.
When a girl says, "I'll love you forever,"
She means it.
When a girl says that she can't live without you,
She has made up her mind that you are her future.
When a girl says, "I miss you,"
No one in this world can miss you more than that..
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